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21 Questions to Ask Your Spouse Instead of “How Was Your Day?”

Did you listen to anything interesting today? If you could do any part of today over again, what would it be? How much coffee did you drink today? Will you remember any specific part of today a year from now? Five years? Did you ta ke any photos today? What did you photograph? What app did you open most today? How can I make your day easier in 5 minutes? If we were leaving for vacation tonight, where do you wish we would be heading? If you won $500 and had to spend it on yourself, what would you buy? If your day was turned into a movie, who would you cast? What did you say today that you could have never expected to come out of your mouth? What did you do to take care of yourself today? When did you feel appreciated today? If you could guarantee one thing for tomorrow what would it be? If we traded places tomorrow what advice would you give me for the day? What made you laugh today? Imagine committing the next year to learning one thing in your spare ...
En son yayınlar

What You Should Eat Depends on Your Blood Type

Do you think knowing your blood type is only important in the event of a transfusion? Think again! Research indicates that your blood type is a key genetic factor that influences many areas of health and well-being.  Throughout your life, you’ve probably observed that some people tend to lose weight more easily, while for others, their weight is an ongoing battle. Or wondered why some people are plagued by chronic illness while others stay healthy and vital well into their advanced years. Very simply, the answer is in your blood type.  According to the blood-type diet, there are 4 blood types: Type O – the oldest blood type Type A – agrarian Type B – nomadic Type AB – modern How your blood type determines your diet and predicts your susceptibility for certain diseases.  Research has found that individuals of certain blood types may be at a higher risk for certain diseases; studies have found that people with blood type O have a lower risk...

Ten Signs He Really Loves You

1. He Looks Into Your Eyes When You Talk This sign is all about the body language. If he looks into your eyes when you talk, you know he is paying full attention to you. Obviously, this is not always practical for every conversation, especially if you are driving somewhere. However, whenever you really want to have a heart to heart discussion, he gives you his full attention, by turning his body towards you, and watching the expression on your face. This is a sign he wants to know what you are really thinking. 2. He Wants To Know About You  If your boyfriend asks about your past, your dreams, your desires (not just sexual), your wants, your needs, how you feel inspired, what you love, or anything about you that relates to your thoughts intimately as an individual, you can be very sure that he wants what is best for you. This is a very good indication he loves you.  3. He Gives You Cuddles and Caresses  While touch is more important to some people than others, ...

How to Plan Your Best Year Ever

1. Reflect on the last year  “Experience teaches you nothing. Evaluated experience teaches you something.” – Andy Stanley.  Your experiences from the last year can help you create your best year yet, but you have to evaluate those experiences. To evaluate the last year, look back at your calendar and see how you spent your time each month, week, and day.  Questions to ask:  What are your overall feelings for the last year?  What did you like about last year? What did you accomplish?  What did you hate about last year? What disappointed you?  If you could change anything about the last year, what would it be?  How did you do in each of the eight life categories last year?  The eight life categories are: health, relationships, finance, career, personal/ spiritual development, recreation/play, environment, and service/contribution (learn more about that in my  eBook ).  Write the answers to these questions down....

50 Questions to Get Know Someone

“WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE…” QUESTIONS Asking someone about their favorite blank is a great way to get know them better and learn about their preferences and opinions. These questions are good for when you are first meeting someone and are easy to incorporate as part of introductions in a larger group, such as asking each person to say their name, role, and favorite food as a child What was your favorite food when you were a child? What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? What is one of your favorite quotes?  What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?  What chore do you absolutely hate doing?  What is your favorite form of exercise?  What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year?  What’s your least favorite mode of transportation?  What is your favorite body part?  What sound do you love?  “WHAT IF…” QUESTIONS Hypothetical questions help you learn more about another person’s personality, as ...

How to Stop Being So Lazy: 10 Simple Habits

1. Be kind to yourself. When you feel that you’ve perhaps been too lazy lately it’s common and tempting to beat yourself up about it and to hope that will lead you to start taking action. Sometimes it does. But I have found that beating yourself up most often just leads to feeling guiltier and like a failure. And so you feel less motivated to get going and you procrastinate because there seems to be little point in even trying. Instead of getting stuck in that self-esteem sucking place  I recommend to gently nudge yourself towards the next tip in this article whenever you feel like you want to beat yourself up. 2. Start with just a small step forward. The hardest thing is often to simply get started. So make that as easy as you can to reduce the inner resistance and to actually take action. Start with just taking a small step forward: Go out running for only 3 minutes. Do the dishes for 5 minutes. Write on that report you’ve been procrastinating on for 10 min...

17 Ways to Wake Up Feeling Fresh in the Morning

1.Avoid coffee, red wine and chocolate the night before To wake up fresh you need to get a good sleep and one of the best ways to ruin a good sleep is to upset your gut. You really need to keep it happy during the night. Coffee, red wine and chocolate have been scientifically shown to disturb your sleep more than any other food. They upset your intestines in such a way that you will wake up constantly or have a very light sleep that doesn’t re charge you at all. Try not to have these things after lunch time. 2. Go to bed happy with your partner One of the best ways to get a terrible sleep is to go to bed before you solve a problem with your partner. In my relationship I never let the sun set on an argument, even if I have to compromise a little bit on my own ego. Before you go to bed make sure your partner is happy (as much as you can) and make sure that you are happy with them. It is also one of the best things you can do for your relationship, let alone your sleep. ...